How Teachers Can Help Students Deal with Stress

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As adults, we think that children have an easy life. It may be to some extent but we should not forget that children have their struggles too. And today in this age of a fast-moving and ever-changing world it is becoming more and more challenging for children. Today students don’t just have to study and attend their classes on the school LMS but also have to keep learning new skills and participate in extracurricular activities too. Juggling between studies and extracurricular students can become

very stressful for the students which sometimes affects their physical as well as mental health.  During such times students need an adult who can understand and guide them to cope with their problems, parents are always there for them but besides home, students spend most of their time attending their classes with teachers and their friends. And as we know one of the major reasons for the stress of students is doing well in their studies, that is why it is the teacher’s responsibility to help students deal with stress and create such an environment in the class where they can learn and grow freely.

Here are some ways through which students can help students to deal with their stress:

Teach to Identify Stress: The very first thing that teachers can do to help students cope with stress is by educating them about stress. Students think that stress is caused by any difficulty faced by them, well it is true that stress is caused by difficulties but there is a difference between stress caused by small hindrances and the stress a person feels on daily basis. Teachers need to inform students about this difference, students need to be educated that if they always feel stressed and anxious then it is a sign of some serious issues.

Create Positive Environment in the Class:  Students gain all of their knowledge and skills in their classes, whether it’s an offline class or an online class students need to feel comfortable and encouraged enough to learn, think and communicate freely. And if they are not feeling so teachers need to revisit their teaching ways and create a healthy environment in their class. Inform students that they are free to present their opinions freely and even if they make any mistakes they wouldn’t be punished but will be guided towards the right answer. To keep students encouraged and enthralled with learning teachers should start every day of class with a light note, ask students what did they do after school and if there is anything they want to tell them. Build a genuine connection with your students so that when they want to tell you about their problems, they don’t hesitate to do so.

Teach the importance of Time Management: One of the major reasons why students feel stressed because of their studies is that they don’t know how to manage things and get their tasks done on time. And it is because they don’t know about time management, teachers need to teach students this skill. Time management is the skill to give each of the tasks a set period and complete those tasks in their assigned time frame. If students practise this in their daily life they will be able to complete all their tasks on time and will also have some extra time on their hands to learn new skills and relax. Teachers can teach time management to students through some activities like delegation skill practice, big picture puzzle challenges etc.

Educate Students about Social Media: The world of the internet and the virtual world can be overwhelming sometimes, yes students enjoy many advantages of the online world like learning through online teaching, video tutorials and online courses, even admission can be done online using the admission management system. But if students get distracted in the world of new trends and virtual happiness they will start losing their real peace of mind making them feel stressed, anxious and depressed. That’s why it’s important to educate students about the pros and cons of social media.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, teachers, teach this to students, to eat healthy, exercise and take enough sleep to stay relaxed.