Does Invisalign Work for Closing Gaps Dental Problem

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One of the smile imperfections patients worry about is gaps between teeth. Undoubtedly, Invisalign is a more comfortable orthodontic treatment than braces. It also fixes mild to moderately crooked teeth and crowded teeth. So, can the gap between teeth be fixed by Invisalign? Before we answer that, let’s consider some important details.

How does the gap between teeth happen?

On the list of major causes of gap between teeth are:

  • Gum disease
  • Excessive sucking of the thumb as a child
  • Protruded frenum (a tissue that links the lip and gums)
  • Small teeth in a big jaw

Medically, a gap between teeth is known as diastema, and the spacing can be a bit wide. While one can have gappy teeth anywhere in the mouth, it is commonly found between the incisors (front teeth). What causes this is when a person has small teeth and a big size jaw.

Gappy teeth can also be caused by the small tissue that links the top lip to the gums. It is known as frenum. Where this tissue is larger in size, it can cause a significant divide between the two front teeth such that they stand apart. The frenum and teeth-to-jaw size are conditions typically passed on from parents to children.

There are other causes of gappy teeth. Excessive sucking of the thumb can push the teeth apart. Tongue thrusting is another problem babies sometimes have. It is an issue with swallowing reflex that could cause a gap between teeth.

The last cause is gum disease which can wear down the enamel and stretch out existing gaps.

Should gaps between teeth get you worried?

Not exactly. There are times gappy teeth are not problematic – even some persons are admired for their gappy teeth. However, there are times when this condition can be a big deal. A good example is when cavities develop due to food debris getting stuck in gaps between teeth. If a significant area of gum tissue is exposed, there are chances of developing gum disease. Should you be committed to cleaning your teeth regularly and properly, gappy teeth are not something to worry about.

Most of the time, patients visit a dental expert to correct gappy teeth for aesthetic reasons. That feeling of self-consciousness when they smile with a front and centre-wide gap may be one reason. Having a gap between teeth that’s excessively wide could cause speech impairment, including lisping. Primarily, gappy teeth can be corrected in either teeth movement or cosmetic procedure to mascarade the gap.

The Invisalign treatment for gaps between teeth

In teeth movement for fixing gappy teeth, patients can visit an Invisalign clinic in Harley Street to get clear aligners to shift their teeth. After taking a 3D model of your teeth, Invisalign is created and should be worn for 24 hours daily. A new set of Invisalign replaces the old after 2 weeks till the end of treatment. As you keep changing aligners, your teeth steadily move until the gap closes. Invisalign can move teeth together and apart as well. This means it also treats the problem of crowding.

With Invisalign, a patient needs 6 to 12 months on average to complete treatment. Note that larger gaps may take more time. In addition, remember that Invisalign works best for mild to moderate malocclusions. This implies that not all dental issues can be corrected with Invisalign. If the gappy teeth are severe or the crookedness is serious, a better treatment may be metal braces.

What other treatments can close gaps between teeth?

  • This orthodontic treatment employs so much pressure to pull teeth together, which is why braces are better for chronic malocclusions or diastema. Doesn’t matter where the problematic teeth are in the mouth; braces can fix the worst dental issue.

There are downsides to the use of braces. Patients cannot remove them to eat and brush, and they are visible. Braces would involve more time to complete treatment, and patients may feel pain. But if the gap isn’t too much and there are fewer issues to correct, it’s better to go for Invisalign.

  • The typical use of retainers is to maintain the position of newly moved teeth by Invisalign or braces. Should it be that after many months or years of teeth straightening and gaps start showing up, the gappy teeth can be fixed with just a retainer.
  • This is a simple surgery to take out the piece of tissue that binds the upper lip to the gum. Should that gappy teeth be caused by the frenum, this surgery can close up the gap. After this surgery, Invisalign or braces may align the teeth.
  • Dental bonding. Here, the gap is not corrected by moving the teeth; rather, it is masqueraded to appear like it was never there. In bonding, dental material that resembles the tooth is used. The dentist will prep the teeth and cover their surfaces with the bonding material such that the gap is very minimal or completely covered. Larger gaps take plenty of bonding materials. But the result won’t look natural,so bonding works better for smaller gaps.
  • Restorations like veneers and crowns. These are commonly applied to discoloured, decayed, cracked, or chipped teeth. But they may fix gappy teeth. The difference between crowns and veneers is that while the former masquerades the whole tooth, the latter covers the from tooth only. Porcelain or composite may be used to make these restorations to create a more natural dental impression.

For gappy teeth correction, the dentist makes the restoration a bit larger than the tooth so that upon application, the existing gap is covered. This may not look so fine; however, depending on the size and where the teeth are positioned, it might work better.

  • Tooth gap bands. An over-the-counter product that doesn’t require the help of a dentist or orthodontist to correct gappy teeth. Tooth gap bands are affordable and elastic in nature. Patients wear them over their teeth such that they are pulled together. But it can be a dangerous solution to gappy teeth. These bands can move under the gum tissue to infect, irritate and even cause tooth loss. We do advise you to visit a professional dentist at an Invisalign clinic to fix any case of gappy teeth.

Why Invisalign for gaps between teeth?

Many different malocclusions, including gappy teeth, can be resolved with Invisalign. It is a preferred option is obvious. Invisalign offers an inconspicuous treatment, you can remove them, and there isn’t much pain in clear plastic trays. Moreso, it is a dentist- and orthodontist-trusted brand.

But you need to see a dentist to be sure Invisalign will work for your gaps between teeth. The dental expert will examine and determine if this option is right for you during this consultation. Don’t know where to go for a dental consultation? You should get in touch with Smile Works Dental, and your diagnosis and treatment will be an amazing experience.
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