Why Getting a Goodnight’s Sleep Is Important?

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Getting a good sleep is something vital in order to be healthy. We have all heard many people say that you need to get a good sleep. Why is getting a proper sleep so important that it has been emphasized so much. There are many benefits associated with sleep and some to list are:

Improves productivity and concentration

Many studies were conducted to see how lack of sleep affects concentration, productivity and performance. What was revealed in these studies were that those who have got less sleep their concentration, productivity and performance reduced.

In another study it showed that sleep deprivation has almost a same effect lie that of alcohol intoxication. With good sleep one’s memory and concentration increase which leads to better productivity.

Linked to weight gain

In many studies it was shown that those who sleep less tend to gain more weight than those who sleep well. Poor sleep is one of the main risk factors for obesity. This can be explained by the hormone changes that happens and lack of motivation for the person to exercise.

Tend to eat fewer calories

Those who sleep less tend to eat more calories and have a bigger appetite than those who get a good sleep. This is due to the disruption of hormone that happens with lack of sleep. There are mainly two hormones that control appetite, ghrelin and leptin.

Ghrelin rouses appetite and leptin reduces appetite. What happens with lack of sleep is that ghrelin is secreted in higher quantities and the hormone leptin is reduced in secretion.

Lack of sleep also increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

good sleep
Image source: Unsplash

How to get good sleep

Reduce daytime sleeping: One of the reasons why a person can’t sleep in the night is because they have slept during the daytime. To improve your sleep in the night don’t sleep during the daytime. Even if you want to sleep in the daytime limit, it to half an hour to one hour.

Good sleeping environment

When you go to bed make sure you turn off the light because the darkness can help stimulate melatonin which is the hormone that helps in falling asleep. Take a warm bath, hot water has a sedative effect on the body which will enable you to fall asleep comfortably.

Bad mattresses can result in poor sleep quality, invest in a good mattress topper that would help you in getting a good sleep. If you are looking for memory foam mattress toppers Australia has store where you can find them.

Don’t take caffeine in the night

No matter how much you love coffee don’t take it in the night. Caffeine is a stimulant and it would keep you awake.

Do not use the phone

The blue light from the phone can be very bad to your sleep so make sure you turn off your devices at least an hour before you go to sleep.

Create a sleep schedule

Make a sleep schedule and stick to it.