What are the 3 Types of AI?

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It (Artificial Intelligence) would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded.’

  • Stephen Hawking

Artificial Intelligence is no longer a buzzword in the digital era we are going through. From a part of sci-fi movies to a significant part of our daily routine, Artificial Intelligence has evolved a lot and continues to do so. Today many companies are developing systems for various applications using AI, thereby revolutionizing the way businesses function these days.

A local grocer of your area may not be local still, he may have reached every corner of your city, the state, or even the nation.

You no longer need an agent to guide you on which shares to purchase, when to buy/sell, or what should be your next purchase. AI-based systems are there to guide you on stock-related stuff with complete transparency. These applications are so easy to use and so clear that you just need to be literate to use them. Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence that has simplified numerous things on stock buying/selling.

In this digital world, businesses now rely on AI for Decision Making to introduce innovative ways of improving their productivity and efficiency, solve issues or conflicts arising in between, and achieve desired goals.

Artificial Intelligence has become an inseparable part of our lives, and we should have a brief idea of this technology.

We will discuss the three types of artificial intelligence in the below sections.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

According to John McCarthy who coined the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in the year 1956, it is defined as a process of building smart machines from massive volumes of data. These AI-based systems are designed to learn from past experience and learning to perform tasks that mimic human behavior. These systems improve the precision, speed, and effectiveness of human efforts.

AI uses complex processes and algorithms to develop systems that can make decisions on their own. Today, AI-based systems are employed in every industry that including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, logistics, transportation, retail and eCommerce, media and entertainment, banking and finance industry, and more.

What are the types of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is categorised in two ways:

  • On the basis of capabilities
  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence
  • Artificial General Intelligence
  • Super Artificial Intelligence
  • On the basis of functionalities
  • Reactive Machines
  • Limited Memory
  • Theory of Mind
  • Self-awareness

Now, we will discuss the types of AI on the basis of capabilities.

Narrow Artificial Intelligence

Narrow AI or Weak AI emphasises on single narrow task and is not capable of going beyond its predefined constraints. It usually focuses on a single subset of abilities and improves in the same spectrum. With the evolution in deep learning and machine learning algorithms, narrow AI is increasingly becoming a significant part of our day-to-day lives.

Almost all applications of artificial intelligence that we use come under the category of Narrow Artificial Intelligence. Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and other virtual assistants are examples of Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

IBM Watson, a supercomputer, applies machine learning, cognitive computing, as well as natural language processing to process the input and come up with answers to your queries.

Other applications include spam filters, recommendations systems, image recognition systems, google translate, and Google’s page-ranking algorithm.

General Artificial Intelligence

General AI or Strong AI systems have the ability to learn intellectual tasks just like humans. This enables a machine to apply skills and knowledge in various contexts. Strong Artificial Intelligence has not been achieved by AI researchers or scientists yet. Microsoft has invested USD 1 billion in General Artificial Intelligence via Open AI.

K Computer, developed by Fujitsu, is rendered one of the fastest supercomputers in the world. It is one of the milestones achieved while working towards attaining strong AI. but the way it works makes it difficult to achieve shortly.

Super Artificial Intelligence

This type of artificial intelligence is believed to surpass human intelligence and can execute tasks better than humans. It has evolved so much that it is expected to understand human sentiments as well as experiences; it can also evoke requirements, emotions, beliefs, and desires of its own.

The existence of this type of AI is hypothetical. It would be characterized by features such as making judgments, solving puzzles, and making decisions on their own.

Let’s look at the categories of Artificial Intelligence on the basis of Functionalities.

  • Reactive Machine

A reactive machine is a preliminary form of AI that doesn’t use past experiences or store memories to identify further steps. It just works with current data. These systems perceive the world and give the reaction to it. Reactive machines are given specific tasks and they are not capable of performing beyond those specifications.

IBM’s DeepBlue is a reactive machine that defeated Garry Kasparov, a chess grandmaster.

  • Limited Memory

Limited Memory AI system trains from past data to make decisions. Generally, they have a short-lived memory. This data can be used for a specific period of time but cannot be added to a library of experiences. Usually, this technique is used in self-driving cars.

  • Theory of Mind

This type of AI is related to an advanced class of AI that exists only in concepts. This type of AI requires an in-depth understanding of the fact that people and things can change the behavior or feelings within an environment. It is supposed to understand people’s thoughts, sentiments, and feelings.

  • Self Awareness

This is a hypothetical concept where systems understand their internal conditions or traits and perceive human emotions. These systems are expected to act smarter than the human mind.


Some of the types of AI are still to be attained but there are many applications that we use in our daily lives. It is consistently evolving and revolutionising the way businesses function.

To learn the technology and make a career in this domain, you can take up an online training course and get trained via industry experts to go through real-life projects.

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