Top 8 Motocross Practice Strategies for Speeding Up 

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In motocross racing, velocity reigns supreme. Whether astride a state-of-the-art bike or a customized machine adorned with various innovative enhancements, the ability to outpace competitors hinges on mastering fundamental techniques, conducting thorough research, and optimizing physical fitness.

Amidst implementing these top motocross practice strategies, don’t overlook the importance of outfitting your bike with the best dirt bike graphics. Note that they can add a flair that complements your speed and skills. So, feel free to explore options for vibrant mx graphics that reflect your style.

1. Increase Throttle

Seeking speed? Then, unleash the full power of your throttle. While there may be instances requiring a brief slowdown, consistently discovering untapped engine potential, especially with competitors closing in, suggests a need to push boundaries further. Maintain your throttle at its maximum for the majority of the race, and you’ll undoubtedly witness a surge in your speed across the track.

2. Embrace Seamless Thinking

In theory, a motocross track comprises obstacles and turns. However, it’s beneficial to perceive it as a continuous course where all elements are interconnected. Viewing each obstacle in isolation overlooks the opportunities in the connecting stretches, where leveraging power and speed can propel you ahead. Note that treating the track as a cohesive unit allows optimization of every inch of dirt. Watching motocross videos can aid in cultivating this holistic mindset.

3. Express Your Needs Verbally

One fantastic aspect of motocross (MX) is its deafening noise. This allows you to boost your morale with positive self-talk and explicit verbal instructions without anyone being aware. Shout out affirmations for more power or vocally command yourself to brake aggressively into the turns. Employing this technique can serve as both motivation and a means to enhance your response time on the track.

4. Approach Each Turn Like It’s the First

That rush of adrenaline as you approach the first turn, pouring all your power and concentration into it—maintain that intensity for every turn. Sustain your focus and momentum throughout the entire track. Approach each turn with the same determination and unleash all your power. For a comprehensive understanding of conquering turns, delve into the insights shared in “Dirt Rider’s Motocross Riding Tips,” authored by the editors of Dirt Rider Magazine.

5. Strategize Wisely

Certain motocross racers spend the entirety of a race preoccupied with the looming threat of being overtaken. Here’s the revelation: there’s no need to dwell on it unless a competitor is practically on your tail. Redirect that mental energy towards maintaining proper form—elbows up, weight correctly distributed, and hand firmly on the throttle. By doing so, you’ll effectively stay ahead, reserving your attention and energy for defensive maneuvers only when necessary.

6. Optimal Performance in Third Gear

Without a doubt, third gear reigns supreme. Opting for a half-throttle in third gear delivers superior power and speed compared to a full-throttle in second gear. Strive to remain in third gear for the majority of the race, and you’ll swiftly witness a notable increase in your speed.

7. Take a Pre-Ride Stroll

When walking the track, your pace is naturally slower than when you’re on your bike. This deliberate approach allows you to observe intricate details about the track and its terrain that might go unnoticed even during a leisurely ride. Invest time in walking the track, and keenly observe the strategies employed by other riders in their races. Serendipitously, you may discover an improved racing line that shaves off time from your run, providing you with a distinct advantage.

8. Leverage the Flat Turn

Flat turns pose a significant challenge for motocross racers, often leading to sliding mishaps, particularly on dry or wet surfaces. Riders tend to ease off the throttle, resulting in a loss of speed. However, mastering the right weight distribution and body positioning can turn these troublesome turns into an advantage. In flat turns, focus on weighting the outside peg, meaning you shift your body weight away from the bike, which is leaning into the turn. This creates a counterbalance, enhancing stability through the sidewalls and allowing you to maintain throttle control. Experiment with this technique and observe the positive outcomes.