Possible solutions to overpopulation

Possible solutions to overpopulation
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Overpopulation is one of the major issues the whole world has been facing in recent times because it is the issue that gives birth to a large number of problems. Basically, overpopulation is the situation or condition in which the number of people living in an area, country or even planet becomes much more than the available resources and space. This means that many people live without basic necessities, resources, and shelter. Additionally, our earth is bearing and carrying the number of people and masses beyond its capacity on a broad level.

Everything has its limit. Even an online service like an assignment writing service uk can take orders every day to a certain limit. If they take orders beyond their limit, they will fail to complete those orders on time. The same goes with our planet earth because it is overpopulated and carries a population beyond its limit, so it is causing numerous problems and negative effects on our environment, natural resources, and the health of people. Some of the effects of overpopulation include:


Overpopulation adversely affects our environment and atmosphere. Because when you have a large number of people, you have to grow more and more food, which means you need more and a large place to grow food and a place to live and make houses. To meet these basic needs of people a lot of trees are cut every year. This deforestation makes the environment polluted and cause global warming. Not only that, but this also becomes a reason for losing so many species as wild animals become homeless after deforestation.

Loss of natural resources:

Natural resources like water, food, and so many other resources are available in a limited quantity. We can use it for a certain time period after which they will be finished. But because of overpopulation, these natural resources are depleting very rapidly, which is an alarming situation because soon there will be a time when we will not be able to grow food or supply fresh or drinkable water to the people, which is the basic need to stay alive.

Conflict in society:

Overpopulation gives birth to conflict in society. Because when the resources are scarce, the people in the society fight for them to ensure their survival in this world. And in a society where only the fittest person who can fight and win for resources can survive, then conflict becomes a permanent part of that society.


Overpopulation cause pollution, which damages the ozone layer and becomes a reason behind extreme climate change. Because overpopulation, in other words, means deforestation, emission of fossil fuel, loss of freshwater, over-farming, the biodiversity is decreased, and the list goes on. Because of overpopulation, the air becomes polluted, and water becomes polluted. Even the land on which we live becomes polluted, and this pollution altogether brings very negative and harmful effects on our health and body and also on the food we grow.

Why is the world overpopulated?

There are numerous reasons behind overpopulation. People did not have awareness about the issue or did not have family planning, which ended as an overpopulated world. People did not have knowledge even they did not have access to proper medication and health facilities which also caused overpopulation. Another reason behind overpopulation is poverty. Even poverty is one of the consequences of overpopulation, but it is also one of the reasons for overpopulation. The poor families believe that having a big family means they have so many hands to earn.

Solutions to overpopulation:

We can get over this issue if we want. Every problem has a solution. There are so many solutions for overpopulation too. But they are only helpful when utilized or tried to implement. Here are some possible solutions to overpopulation that can help the world to get rid of this problem.

Education and awareness:

Education and awareness can help us to solve overpopulation. So education and awareness about overpopulation should become a compulsory part of education. When adolescents have knowledge about the issue, they will try to solve it in the future, and even if they did not take the initiative to solve it, at least they will not become a person to increase it.

Family planning:

Family planning is the key element against overpopulation. This is the most helpful, effective and easiest solution that we can find out for overpopulation. Family planning simply means to aware people how they can prevent unplanned births and what it costs to have a child? When there are family planning, people on their own start limiting the number of children they can have. Because they took this decision looking after all the consequences and possible situations that may arise in future, we see that there are so many countries where there is no concept of family planning. As a result, most of them are overpopulated countries. Family planning, in other words, only means awareness. And awareness of every problem or issue is very important. 

Education of girls:

Education of girls and women are very important to overcome this overpopulation. Even numerous studies have now proved that if girls and women get access to quality education, it decreases and help in lowering the rate of reproduction. Not even to higher education, but if girls get access to secondary education, it will bring positive effects to the birth rate. Secondly, when the girl is educated, she is already aware of family planning, so they do not become the reason for adding unhealthy births or children in this world. So we have to make sure that our girls are getting an education, if not higher studies, then at least make it easy for them to get a secondary education because there are numerous countries where even in this of technology and development education of the girls is still an issue or even a taboo.

Governmental responsibilities: The government or state should support the programs and campaigns that spread awareness about overpopulation, its consequences, and how people at the individual level can control it and play their part in solving the issue of overpopulation. Along with that, the state must have some policies regarding birth regulation or controlling the reproduction rate. Because when people are not interested in solving this problem, then the government should have to impose regulations.