Now NAD injections can be administered at home instead of costly NAD+ infusions.

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What are NAD Injections?

NAD, short for Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a chemical that is naturally produced by our bodies that plays a critical role in our overall energy levels as well as the way that our bodies generate energy. NAD comes in two forms, NAD+ and NADH. As we age, our bodies tend to become less and less efficient at making NAD, thus our NAD levels tend to decrease. This is primarily because, for older individuals, there’s a significant increase in the demand for the cells that are breaking down and needing repair and the body tends to not be able to keep up.

Today, many patients, especially those who are older, are seeking out NAD either in injection or infusion form. By increasing the amount of NAD present within our bodies, we’re better able to slow down the overall effects of aging as well as the chance of developing age-related ailments.

How Do I Know I Have Low NAD Levels?

If you fall into the older demographic, you may be curious as to whether you have lower NAD levels than average. The most common benefits associated with receiving NAD injections according to WebMD are that they help to improve your overall mental clarity and alertness, concentration, and memory, as well as depression, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If you suffer from any of the concerns listed previously, those may be a sign that your NAD levels are low.  There are a number of age-related chronic diseases that show a strong correlation with decreased NAD levels including diabetes.

How Can NAD Injections Benefit Me?

Many individuals today find themselves seeking out ways to supplement their low NAD levels, and typically immediately jump to the idea of a NAD infusion. However, there are cheaper and better alternatives on the market! In fact, companies such as AgelessRx that specialize in online prescription therapy treatments are readily available to help prescribe you your very own NAD injections kit. The best part? They can be done from the comfort and privacy of your very own home!

There are several unique benefits associated with receiving NAD injections other than just simply ensuring that your levels are where they should be. Listed below are a few of the common benefits patients notice after beginning their NAD injection treatment.

Increases Energy Levels

As mentioned previously, NAD plays a critical role in the way that our bodies generate energy as well as helps to support our body’s overall cellular function. When NAD is introduced to the bloodstream, it begins to circulate throughout our bodies. As the NAD circulates, it helps our cells to absorb much-needed nutrients that they otherwise may not be able to absorb. NAD injections also help to encourage the production of ATP within our bodies, and ATP is critical to our body’s energy levels, as well.

Improves Overall Mood

Many individuals who find that they are NAD deficient also claim to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, as they begin to restore and improve upon their NAD levels,       some patients note they notice significant improvements in their overall mood as well as their anxiety and depression symptoms.

Improves Post-Workout Recovery

Many individuals, especially as they age, begin to experience issues with their recovery time after working out. This could be correlated to lower NAD levels as well. NAD helps to increase the levels of certain molecules found within our bodies that significantly contribute to not only our energy levels but also help us to recover after we’ve done any physically demanding activity or exerted ourselves physically. Some patients claim that they notice significant improvements in their post-workout recovery as well as the amount of time it takes them to recover after beginning their NAD injection treatment.

Helps Patients with Memory-Loss Diseases/Development

Patients who are NAD deficient are also at a more serious risk of cognitive impairment and overall memory loss. But how exactly do low NAD levels contribute to an increased risk of developing memory-related ailments? As we age, the neurons in our bodies tend to die off and something known as beta-amyloid plaques begin to group. As this occurs, the neurons begin to die off at an even higher and quicker pace. If left untreated, this can lead to brain atrophy and even memory-loss-related diseases. However, as we supplement our NAD levels with NAD injections, we’re helping to reduce the overall production of these beta-amyloid plaques, thus also helping to reduce the chance of developing these cognitive impairments as we age.

NAD injections are a great, and cost-efficient alternative to NAD infusions. The best part? They can be done from the comfort of your very own home. Consider learning more, or even getting started with your NAD injection treatment today!