How To Take Care Of Your Health During Stressful Times 

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The Covid Pandemic has altered the way the world functions today. The unending coronavirus waves have wreaked havoc and upended life in many parts of the world. The subsequent job insecurities, health anxieties, and the pressure of living within the confines of home 24/7 have added to our stress levels. However, be assured that you are not alone. Many people are overwhelmed or stressed due to the current situation. However, taking care of your physical and mental well-being cannot be overemphasized. We bring you some tips to help take care of your health during stressful times. 

1. Stay Connected with your Loved Ones 


Social isolation can negatively affect your stress responses. A 2018 national survey conducted by Cigna on the adult U.S population showed some alarming statistics about loneliness levels. Furthermore, as per a review, being lonesome can have disastrous effects on your physical, mental and cognitive health. 

 The covid pandemic has isolated and alienated us from our near and dear ones. Many people lost their close ones to this unrelenting virus. So, folks, consider yourself blessed if your friends and family surround you. Check on them by sending a text message or an email. Get a bit more creative and send a handwritten letter to your family and friends. Moreover, if you find them unwell and seeking covid testing, particularly in Omaha, Nebraska, suggest they get it done at covid testing wichita ks. Such helpful acts can also help to soothe your stressful situation. 

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, confide in that one trusted friend whom you can call your sounding board or 3 a.m friend. Their assurances and solutions might just be the panacea to your stressful situation. 

2. Stay Active 


Physical activity can benefit your physical and mental well-being. Many scientific studies support the role of exercise in alleviating stress. Moderate aerobic exercise is said to release mood-elevating endorphin hormones. You will feel calmer after a bout of 30 minutes of aerobic workout. This calming effect can sustain for several hours post-workout. Also, exercise distracts you from your daily stressors while strengthening your digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Walking, jogging or biking are some simple yet effective ways of staying active. 

You can still stay active even if you are confined indoors due to coronavirus-induced restrictions. You can perform stretching, dance, or even do household chores. The idea is to simply be on your feet more often during the day. 

3. Sleep Well 


The ongoing covid pandemic has led to haywire work schedules. The ensuing work from anywhere work modes has blurred the lines between work and leisure. Long working hours, working in bed, and the constant beep of notifications from our smartphones have made our brains remain wired 24/7. We are unable to unwind for some quality shut-eye. Lack of sleep can increase anxiety and stress levels that can further cause sleeplessness.  

Chronic insomnia can lead to many physical and mental health problems. You hence need to prioritize sleep as much as possible. You can follow proper sleep hygiene practices like sleeping in a dark and quiet place. Moreover, use your bedroom only for rest and sex while maintaining a regular sleeping schedule of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. 

4. Practice Yoga and Deep Breathing 

Yoga is a combination of asanas, mudras, and breathing techniques. 

Yoga as an exercise form can be done without any equipment and within the confines of your home. Studies show that regular yoga practice helps lower stress levels and inflammation in the body. This form of exercise is also beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and depression besides improving the quality of life of people who suffer from chronic illnesses. Additionally, yoga improves your physical health by promoting brain health and preventing cardiovascular problems.  

Pranayama exercises can combat stress and help control the “fight or flight” response that hinders your routine life. Add deep breathing techniques to your yoga routine.  

Many of you might be tempted to practice yoga by watching some wannabe Youtube channel. So, as a beginner, you need to perform yoga only under the supervision of a trained professional. 

5. Eat Right 


Nutrition and health go hand-in-hand. You might be tempted to order greasy burgers and fries due to a lack of time for cooking healthy meals. Studies show that people who eat high sugar and processed foods become susceptible to stress and anxiety. You might not be aware, but stress causes many people to binge on more palatable but unhealthy food. Such eating patterns can cause inflammation in the body and cause health problems. 

But, food is also regarded as a natural intervention to cope with stress. A well-balanced diet can strengthen the immune system and repair damaged cells. The right foods can offer better brain function and energy needed to tackle stressful situations. 

 Foods like fatty fish come enriched with brain-stimulating nutrients like vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids. These nutritional elements may help balance neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters have relaxing and calming properties. Additionally, foods like eggs, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds, yogurt, turmeric, and teas like Chamomile tea and green tea support brain health, besides calming down your frayed nerves. 

The Bottom Line 

Stress is commonplace in today’s modern world. We need to unlearn unhealthy living patterns and imbibe healthy lifestyle habits, besides a positive mindset to safeguard our health during stressful times.