How to select an application hosting platform provider?

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Whether online or offline, plenty of businesses have launched their applications to streamline user access to business products and services. But, of course, they need to find out the App Server Hosting providers to buy hosting to launch these apps. But before you set out to purchase it, you should know what to consider while selecting an application hosting platform. So let’s start with what it is.

What is Application Hosting? 

Just like the websites, apps also need servers to be hosted. In fact, apps need more than just a server for hosting. So App Server Hosting aids for running the applications on servers, whether it’s a physical server or cloud servers. 

As far as these servers are concerned, leading web hosting companies take on this responsibility. Also, tech giants like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be the hosts for your apps.

Now let’s get down to:

Factors to integrally take into account while selecting an application hosting platform provider

  • Application Compatibility

The foremost essential is compatibility. App Hosting Services will vary depending on the needs and technicalities of the languages and framework used in the app.

For instance, Node Js hosting, Asp Net hosting, PHP hosting, Rails hosting, and others, you might have heard about them. So these are all specific to the respective app building. So the hosting you purchase must have all the features that your app needs to be compatible and function properly.

  • Hosting Environment Freedom 

Moreover, many hosts offer hosting platforms in which the apps specifications like OS, software and features are already deployed. So take a check if this company provides it too.

Also, in case you have to integrate a different software, operating system, or your chosen programming language. If you are a developer, you definitely need this freedom.

  • One-Click Installation

If the host doesn’t provide an already deployed platform, you need to move over to the next features. For example, a one-click installation can help fast deployment and integrate the necessary tools quickly. But, again, it is because not all app building platforms are easy to install and get started.

  • Application Stability 

In addition to the above application hosting platform conditions, you also need to check the available App Hosting Services plans. Whether they possess adequate resources or not. It is because if the app encounters traffic spikes, can the resources accommodate it? It does not matter if it is due to business activity or due to a security threat like a DDoS attack. Load balancing should be easily done.

  • Data Export Option 

Users can be in need of data export functions depending on the app hosting on remote environments and on-premises. Particularly, the migrations can be the ground reasons behind it. So you can also check for this option with your app server hosting provider. In case you need to migrate to another platform in the future, you can do it without any headaches of data loss and downtimes.

  • Security features

Whether it is the website or the app, security vulnerabilities can lead to disasters in terms of user data breaches and classified files leaks. Therefore, you should never ignore it. However, in case of loopholes in security, your apps and, in return, the business will encounter customer and money loss.

Thereupon, scan over what the host is practising to secure its infrastructure. Also, what the company is providing to strengthen your security shield against physical and online attacks.

  • Support 

It might sound not very pleasant to read about the support services everywhere. However, they are essential whichever hosting and plan you sign up for. Many app server hosting companies stay at their disposal with live chat, email, ticketing or phone to resolve the technical and non-technical issues.

So you need to find the app hosting provider that can communicate and troubleshoot round the clock and eradicate the obstructions from your apps or the hosting environment.

  • Hosting Reliability & Uptime

Another acknowledged factor for choosing the application hosting platform is the assurance of the maximum uptime ratio of the hosting servers. So your application should be up at all times to be on schedule with the users. Find out if the host is just about words or maintain the 99.9% uptime regardless of hardware and software failures and maintenance scenarios.

Navicosoft also provides excellent App Hosting Services alongside web hosting. With suitable hosting packages, you can jump-start your app at affordable prices.