How to Know if Your Finger is Broken or Sprained?

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We all know the importance of fingers, but the actual value of fingers is observed when you have any pain or discomfort in them. It’s possible to circumvent each finger while it’s abducted and adducted. The most potent movement is flexion. In humans, each finger’s flexion is made possible by two large muscles and some smaller ones.

Sometimes, there is confusion between the broken finger and sprained finger because both of them have unbearable pain. Today, we are discussing some important points that will help people distinguish between these two types of pain with the help of some symptoms and basic information.

Yet, we always suggest talking to the best orthopedic surgeon. In an emergency, the best way is to call them through so that they may provide you best first aid without going anywhere.

What is a Broken Finger?

Phalanges are the bones in your fingers. Except for the thumb, which has two phalanges, all fingers have three phalanges. When one or more bones break, a finger is broken or fractured. A hand injury is the most common cause of a broken bone. The phalanges can be cracked at any point. Your knuckles, where your finger bones meet, can also be fractured.

Types of Broken Bones

To put it another way, there are many combinations of hand fracture types. Depending on the severity of a broken finger, it can fall into one of the following categories:

  1. An avulsion fracture occurs when a ligament or tendon attaches to a bone fragment and pulls the element away from the prominent bone fragment.
  2. The fractured ends of a bone slam into each other in an impacted fracture.
  3. When a force causes the bone to move in two different directions, the bone splits in two.

Risks of Broken Finger

A broken finger may happen to anyone.

Fractures occur more frequently in persons with weak bones, such as the elderly or those with a calcium deficit. Those who work with their hands, such as athletes and construction workers, are more likely to break a finger than those who do not. The following sports increase the risk of breaking a finger:

  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Volleyball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Boxing
  • Skiing
  • Wrestling
  • Snowboarding
  • High impacts can also damage fingers events like car accidents.

What is Sprained Finger?

When the ligaments that support and connect the finger’s bones and joints are torn, a sprained finger. Injuries to fingers are common, but they can be extremely painful and difficult to treat.

Resting, icing, compressing and elevating (RICE) the damaged finger will lessen inflammation and its accompanying symptoms for most people.

Causes of Sprained Finger

Sprained fingers usually improve in some with minimal care and fully heal after a few weeks of rest and rehabilitation, depending on the severity of the damage.

Accidents cause the majority of finger sprains. Sprained fingers can result from an injury that bends your finger too backward (hyperextension) or in the wrong direction. Sports like basketball, football, and volleyball are familiar places where this type of injury happens.

An injured finger can result from falling on one’s hand, which is more common because of weak ligaments or poor balance and coordination.” Finger sprains can also result from other types of accidents, such as motor vehicle collisions or work-related injuries.

Difference between Sprint Finger and Broken Finger

Unlike a sprained finger, a broken finger requires medical attention since the finger’s bones or joints have been damaged.

Most patients seek medical assistance for broken fingers because they are so painful, disabling, or scary.

In many cases, the symptoms of broken fingers are similar to those of sprained fingers, although they are more severe. A deformed, out-of-place, or unnaturally bent finger may result from a shattered bone.

It’s also challenging to straighten or extend a finger that has been broken because of the excruciating agony.


Sprint fingers and broken fingers may seem alike, but they have some significant differences through which you can easily distinguish between them. In this way, you may decide to go to the doctor according to the situation.

We suggest you see the orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible, and you can have an instant appointment at Marham. This platform is best as it has experts from all over Pakistan.


1. What are the symptoms of Sprint Finger?

A sprained finger can cause a variety of symptoms:

  • Try moving your finger joint and feel pain.
  • A feeling of stiffness in your finger.
  • Your finger joints are swollen.
  • Itching in your finger.

2. How long should I rest a sprained finger?

In most cases, patients with finger sprains recover quickly when they carefully adhere to their treatment plan. Ligaments might take anywhere from two to ten weeks to heal, depending on the severity of the injury. Certain people have re-injury, joint instability, arthritis, or inflammation in the area where the ligament joins to the bone.

3. If your fingers are fractured, can you still bend them?

You may be able to flex your finger, but there is always the possibility that it has been broken. Even if bending a broken finger is extremely painful, it is possible to have full motion and merely a mild discomfort even though your finger is broken.