7 Realistic Tips To Help With Arthritis Pain In 2022

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Arthritis is a term that refers to a group of diseases that causes inflammation and pain in the joint areas. While medical treatments may be beneficial, some lifestyle changes may also help to alleviate some of its common symptoms.  

Arthritis of any kind can be painful and cause long-term joint damage. This article contains some effective natural remedies for slowing the progression of arthritis and treating its symptoms. To ease achy joints, attempt some or all of these strategies listed below. 

Learn to Manage Stress 

We live in a world where stress is always present. Chronic conditions such as arthritis, which causes pain and high medical expenses, increase stress levels even further. 

Stress can also intensify the symptoms of arthritis. The best solution is to deal with stress before it hurts this disease control and your quality of life. Furthermore, managing stress effectively could help alleviate arthritis symptoms significantly. Find the type of stress management that works for you. It could be as simple as breathing exercises or meditation and use it regularly. It can also be very beneficial to speak with a therapist.  

Also, natural aid like Delta 8 THC can be a great help. You can know more about Delta 8 thc cartridges through this article. 

as an alternative medical treatment approach. 

Engage in Physical Activities 

According to research, daily exercise may help some people decrease joint pain and improve their arthritis. Understandably, many older adults with arthritis don’t want to move because it hurts. However, not moving makes arthritis pain worse.  

It’s important not to remain in the same position for a long time. When your joints hurt, exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do. But, staying physically active is one of the most effective ways to alleviate this pain.  

Exercising can help reduce painful symptoms, improve flexibility, and improve posture that sustains your joints. The key is to choose minimal physical activities such as swimming, water aerobics, stretching, or walking. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight 

Excess weight puts strain on the joints, especially the hips, knees, and ankles.  

According to the Arthritis Foundation, each bodyweight adds 3 pounds of stress to the knees and 6 pounds of pressure to the hip joints. As a result of the increased pressure, the cartilage between joints deteriorates more quickly, which Complicates arthritis. More bodyweight is harmful to the joints, so staying at a healthy weight is advisable. If an older adult is overweight, assist them in adopting a better diet.  

And engage them in active exercises that can help them lose a few pounds. This relieves a lot of strain on their joints. Also, advising them to consume a well-balanced diet rich in veggies, fresh fruit, and lean protein is a good alternative. Protein sources could include beans, poultry, fish, and so on. The overall goal is to avoid packaged foods, red meat, and sodas. 

Quit Smoking 

Human joints and cartilage are harmed by smoking. This discovery has been linked to the autoimmune disease called rheumatoid arthritis.  

Patients with this disease are more likely to have plaque formation in their arteries. And smoking increases this risk. 

 In addition, smoking can reduce the effectiveness of arthritis treatments. Suppose you currently smoke and have a family background of rheumatoid arthritis. In that case, you should consider quitting as soon as possible even though those who smoke have a significantly higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis regardless of family history. 

Those who have a genetic link are at an even higher risk. 

Mindfulness Meditation 

Mindfulness meditation appears to be one of the most efficient forms of meditation for arthritis.  This meditation style involves being fully present in the moment. And also acknowledging your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in a non-judgmental and open manner. Instead of negatively labeling a painful sensation on the knee, acknowledge, accept, and let it go.  

This type of relaxation technique can help people cope better with the pain of arthritis by reducing stress. Anxiety and feelings of hopelessness are all common side effects of this chronic arthritis pain. As a result, stress reduction may aid in coping with inflammation and pain. 


There is no known cure for arthritis today, but massage is widely regarded as one of the most effective ways to manage this condition.  

It contributes to relieving the pain and slowing cartilage degeneration. It also relieves muscle tension and encourages people to remain lively and mobile for as long as necessary. Massaging painful joints gently warms and relaxes that area. It is not just a fun way to relax; it is also an efficient approach to treating rheumatoid arthritis. 

The Arthritis Foundation claims that massaging muscles and joints regularly can help relieve arthritis pain. According to them, it reduces the number of stress hormones produced by the body. It also boosts serotonin levels, which helps to improve mood. So If a soft massage causes discomfort, try warming the area first with heat. Using moisturizers or oils to reduce friction can also be highly beneficial when trying to massage a joint. 

Keep a Positive Attitude 

It’s challenging to find something positive in a bad situation. It’s challenging to be bright and cheerful when you’re beaten by severe pain and defeated by a chronic disease. 

Many people who suffer from chronic arthritis pain find that keeping a positive attitude helps them cope better with the pain. So rather than surrendering to the pain of arthritis, find ways to divert your attention away from it. Maintain a positive attitude by doing things you enjoy. Pursuing hobbies and interests or choosing to spend time with family and friends are a few positive things to indulge in. 

Despite the best efforts to keep a positive mindset, there are times when negative attitudes can creep in. Being human is what it is all about here. That realization, however, does not excuse us from playing our role. It should not be interpreted as permission to develop a negative attitude. Instead, it should be taken as a wake-up call to get back on track. 

Final Thoughts 

Arthritis is a chronic disease that causes joint pain and stiffness. In contrast, there are a variety of medical options available as treatment. Combining home remedies with the tips above may be more helpful in relieving this pain.