How do computer video games impact your child positively?

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A common concept about playing video games is that they are much unsophisticated and make your child a total couch potato. Video games contain a simulated world that lets your child know how to behave in a simulated world. Let us see some of the common benefits of video games:

Video games make you more intelligent:

According to research, people who play video games are generally more intelligent and demonstrate 37% more dexterity than those who don’t play video games. Since they have a deeper connection with the brain, people who get strokes are given video games to play in order to enable them to use their hands and wrist in a better way.

Games with simulation increase gray matter in the brain:

There is a gray matter in the human brain that is used to control muscles, memories and ability to perceive certain things. When you play video games regularly, this gray matter increases. As a result, the ability of the brain to think and connect with the surroundings increases. Action video games increase the gray matter much more with these games. However, many people like simulating video games in real life also. So, just go for gel blasters sniper and simulate in real life.

People who play video games can solve problems in a better way:

There are many board games and other types of computer games that are designed in such a way that people have to solve puzzles in them in a limited time. This makes people a good problem solver. When a child’s brain solves different puzzles, it activates different parts of the brain. This leads to better functioning of the brain. So, when the brain works in real life, kids playing computer games are capable of solving mathematical and other real life problems. Such kids also demonstrate high grades in exams.

Gamers are more physically active:

Gone are the days when computer games would make people couch potatoes who would keep sitting and playing games. These days, many consoles have the technology to keep people alert and onto their feet. Various developers have started to develop such consoles that allow people to play in a physical space. Some people love to relocate and change their position when they play games because of the adventure and thrill they encounter while playing games.

They improve mental health:

Poor mental health is the biggest problem of this era. Computer games play a major role in improving the health of the child’s mind. When a child plays these games, they release the stress in his mind. This is the reason these games are being used as a therapy to treat people with poor mental health.


Although computer consoles have lots of benefits for children. However, you need to be careful as to what kind of impact a particular game is having on the mind of your child. It is important to be sure that these games have a positive impact.