Cryptocurrency Investing: 5 Things Potential Investors Need To Know

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Despite its existence for almost fourteen years and being in a market downturn, crypto appears amid a gold rush. As optimistic investors flow in with thoughts of making a fortune, some still need a solid understanding of what they are getting into. 

When they first become involved, more than one-third of investors have little or no knowledge of this crypto space. Moreover, if the number of cryptocurrency holders increases, there may be considerable discrepancies in the collective crypto understanding. 

Hence, it is essential to know about cryptocurrency and its associated benefits and risks. Below is a compilation of some essential information on cryptocurrency investing. For those new to the field or actively participating, sit back, and let’s explore.

  1. You are in for an exhilarating experience

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. If you’re accustomed to investing in the stock market, you may not be familiar with crypto’s significant ups and downs. Bitcoin (BTC), for instance, just reached over a 6-months low and lost over 50% of its value in less than six months. However, the resulting gain is almost 35% since the beginning of the year. 

There is the possibility of huge profits, but you must be willing to endure the tough times. It might be nerve-wracking when your portfolio loses value for the first time. However, keep in mind that by investing for the long run, you can choose to wait for prices to increase once more. This is another reason why research is essential and can help you easily withstand hurricanes in this space. Bitcoin Union is the place to go if you are interested in trading. It offers an accessible digital trading platform specializing in Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

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  1. There are more blockchain currencies than Bitcoin

There are already over 10,000 different cryptos on the market. Several of them will be little coins that you will certainly never notice. Depending on your cryptocurrency exchange, there may be as many as sixty or more distinct digital currencies available, allowing you to invest in several currencies based on your risk appetite. 

For instance, one might have invested most of their cryptocurrency funds in the top four coins and purchased smaller coins that seemed intriguing. Considering this is important to some investors, they actively pursue environmentally friendly currencies. 

Hence, you can put the money in coins that resonate with you, such as those that pay interest or operate in a specific industry, such as lending or security.

  1. Be open to learning from your mistakes

Try not to be too hard on yourself if things do not go as expected. This is a dynamic and ever-changing world, so you cannot anticipate everything. The benefit of investing what you can afford to lose is that a poor decision will not ruin you.

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It does not imply that you ought to invest without a plan. Provided you clearly understand your objectives and risk appetite; crypto investing is comparable to any other trip. Determine what you can take away from the experience and move on if something goes wrong.

  1. Understand the risks associated

Volatility has been mentioned, but it is not the biggest risk you will encounter. You might have read about exchange and wallet hacks, but cryptocurrencies can also be hacked. In April, the decentralized microlender EasyFi (EASY), which specializes in microlending, was targeted by hackers. Hackers breached the computer of the company’s founder and stole approximately $6 million and 3 million EASY tokens. The swift action taken by the programmers to retrieve the assets and prevent the hacker from spending the tokens serves as a warning that blockchain is not exempt from security dangers.

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  1. There is no such thing as excessive research

When beginning to comprehend cryptocurrencies, it can be not very comforting. Just when you believe you’ve mastered blockchain technology, you’re confronted with unfamiliar concepts like 

  • Smart contracts 
  • Proof of work 
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)

To purchase cryptocurrency, you need not be a specialist in blockchain programming. But the greater one’s knowledge, the better decisions one may make. There is a great deal of hype and false promises occurring. However, research will assist you in separating the wheat from the chaff and determining which specialists you should listen to. Utilize the vast informational resources available and proceed with caution. You can also use social media to network with other cryptocurrency investors. 

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Last thoughts

When learning about the various forms of cryptocurrency and viewing their pricing, purchasing them immediately is tempting, particularly if the price increases. However, prices will grow and fall over time; hence it is crucial to comprehend precisely where your money is going.

Every reputable currency will have a white paper that describes its purpose and the challenge it aims to solve. You can also examine the management team to determine their level of expertise. And examine their identities to determine if they have ever been involved in fraudulent activities. This is a clear red flag.