Can Dental Veneers Make Your Small Teeth Look Bigger?

Bigger Teeth with Veneers
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No doubt that bright and shiny smile is the first impression. But if it is not in your case what will you do? There are many people like you feel conscious regarding their teeth dreaming of straighter and whiter and bigger teeth. If you feel the same make your teeth look bigger with dental veneers and get the smile you wish for long. Go through this blog post to know everything about veneers.

Reasons of having smaller teeth

Basically, small teeth are not the problem. Irrespective of its size, they are designed to be strong for carrying out necessary functions. Sometimes, you have small teeth because of genetics, tooth grinding and premature wearing down.

Despite of its full functionally, you feel awkward showing the small sizes of teeth. Even they are white and straight you don’t have the confident to expose them and smile hiding them behind the lips. Dental veneer is going to change your life forever in such instances.

What is dental veneer?

Dental veneers are the thin ceramic or porcelain shells placing on the existing teeth. Dentists mainly recommend this for cosmetic purposes, but it is helpful in:

  • Hiding deep discolouration, resistant and deep stains
  • Smoothening and straightening the teeth
  • Filling the cracks and gaps

It prevents the teeth from any further damage because of teeth grinding (bruxism). It can result in severe oral complexities making the teeth even much smaller than they were before.

Dental veneer will replace the healthy as well as small teeth using dazzling white row which you will love to flash. By restoring dental conditions it restores self-esteem level.

Can veneer make them appear longer?

Not only dental veneer appears the teeth bigger but also it increases its size. With the help of the cosmetic dentistry, the dentist will increase the teeth size using veneers to improve overall appearance. There is no one having perfect smile.

All you need such teeth structure that matches your facial structure and remains fully functional too. The process considers every aspect such as the width of the tooth, your speech style and preferences on the basis of aestheticism.

How veneer works on small teeth?

Dental veneer is not a rapid fixation. It requires minimum 3 office visits with an interval of a couple of weeks in between each. Consumption of time will lead to right and proper look.


The very first step commences with dentist consultation. You need to look for a dentist with specialisation in cosmetic dentistry. Make sure that the chosen one has high experience to carry out the job in the right manner. Only such a dentist can choose the right colour, precise shape and size of veneer to deliver natural-like outcomes.

During your first consultation visit, the dentist will discuss on the goals or expectations you have from cosmetic restoration. Also they will share the available options of veneer. Then they will conduct complete dental assessment comprising of X-ray to ensure that you are suitable for the process. There is no underneath oral complexities and mouth is completely healthy.


On taking the decision of the treatment plan, you have to prepare to get the veneers. The process involves two major steps:

  • Removal of enamel to have better bonding within natural tooth and veneer
  • Creation of the impression for permanent veneer

Dental veneers for smaller teeth need less removal of the enamel because of small size. On removal, the teeth cannot leave uncovered which is why dentist installs composite veneer temporary set. On the other hand, permanent veneers are fully customised. Due to slight bulkiness the temporary ones appear artificial unlike natural ones. However, you can obtain the idea of appearance with veneers to some extent.

The master ceramists of a dental clinic craft suitable dental veneers that fit precisely and snugly. Also, they make the teeth appear much bigger than ever. Even patients can visit the studios for selection of the shades of the veneer matching with natural teeth colour.


After ceramists prepare the permanent veneers you need to come to dental clinic. With no use of anaesthesia, they will place the permanent bones on your teeth. In case you feel any sort of discomfort tell about it immediately to the dentist.

Firstly, they will remove the temporary ones and check the fittings and colour of the permanent one. Then they will stick dental cement on veneer after essential adjustments. On placing it on the teeth they will make use of special light for hardening the cement.

It will strengthen the link within veneer and tooth. At last, they will assess the biting condition stating they are beautiful, perfect and functional as normal teeth.

Tips to take proper care of the dental veneers

You must brush the teeth daily 2 times and floss one time to ensure right care for the veneers. Even you should use alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse the mouth every day. These steps will let you hold on the actual appearance of the dental veneer making them lasting for a long time.

Additional precautions are also essential like:

  • Refrain from consumption of hard foods
  • Cut off the intake of soda, wine, tea and coffee
  • Avoid chewing gums
  • Don’t bite on nails
  • Quit smoking

Remember, proper care will last the veneer for over a decade. If you want to make your small teeth bigger, book your consultation for porcelain veneers in London with us today!