Basics Of Making The Best Kratom Smoothie

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Kratom is a natural herb that has been existing since ancient times. Traditionally people used to brew it into tea. But there are some people that find the taste of kratom powder bitter. That is why kratom smoothies are becoming more popular nowadays.

Let’s discuss the basics of making the kratom smoothie to tingle your taste buds.


Most kratom strains have notable flavor differences when you brew them in tea. But once you mix the kratom powder in the smoothie, the difference in the flavor may become less noticeable. Some kratom strains like Red Maeng Da Kratom Extracthave a slight undertone of chocolate that makes it ideal to use in a smoothie. Try with a small amount of kratom if you are a beginner, and always buy it from reputable vendors. White and green kratom strains are considered best for developing the feeling of optimism, and it is ideal to consume them in the morning or afternoon.

Red kratom powder is especially useful in the evening as it helps you unwind after a long day.

So, it is not wrong to enjoy a kratom smoothie before going to bed.

Choosing the base

The first step while creating the smoothie is to add a base. Adding the base ensures that kratom powder blends perfectly with all the other ingredients in the smoothie. Following are some of the smoothie bases –


People who are more concerned about their gut health can consider adding yogurt or kefir as a base. Yogurt is a probiotic that helps protect your stomach from irritation.


Avocado is a rich source of monounsaturated fat that mixes well with water and proves beneficial for your heart health. Its high fiber content also helps improve digestion

Ingredients that tastes best with kratom

You can add multiple fruits and vegetables to the kratom smoothies to mask the bitter taste of kratom. Here are some of them –


Adding a small amount of unsweetened cocoa powder to the kratom smoothie helps eliminate the bitterness of the smoothie. Just buy Maeng Da Kratom For Sale from a trusted vendor and blend the smoothie in a mixer. Cocoa also has the presence of phytochemicals that increases the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that acts as a mood stabilizer.


Lemon, orange, and many other citrus fruits are regarded as some of the best ingredients when it comes to making a kratom smoothie. The citric acid found in these fruits enhances the power of alkaloids present in kratom. It makes the smoothie and kratom more biocompatible so that your body can easily absorb them.

Smoothie boosters

You can add smoothie boosters like honey and agave or protein powder to create a balanced smoothie.

To sum it up

If you want to pump up your daily routine, adding smoothies to your lifestyle is an excellent way. And mixing kratom powder in the smoothie is like icing on the cake that can provide you with healthy, beneficial effects. Get yourself ready to experiment with the different recipes and find the flavor smoothie combination you love.