Avoid These 5 Dangerous Blood Pressure Medicine

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There are different manufacturing materials for medicine packaging. They may be kraft, bux board, and cardstock. Their thickness varies from brand to brand. They are eco-friendly and cost-effective. These boxes come with various custom features such as placeholders, compartments, and custom inserts. They may also come with die-cut personalized windowpanes. They contain the name of packaged medicine and its uses. They also contain instructions to use the drug. They come with the name of the brand and the image of its logo. Many attractive finishing options help to enhance their attractiveness. 

There are different medicines for combating high blood pressure. The medicine packaging for these drugs contains information about their side effects. They also contain instructions to use them. Some of these medicines do have serious side effects and may be harmful to patients. These medicines should be avoided by patients. Following are 5 blood pressure medicines that may be harmful and should be avoided.


This is one of the most common medicines used for treating high blood pressure. Their mechanism is helping the kidneys get rid of excess sodium and water. This activity helps to reduce the volume of blood that has to pass through your blood vessels. It will ultimately lower the blood pressure of the patient. Three types of diuretics include thiazide, potassium-sparing, and loop diuretics. Thiazide does have lesser side effects as compared to other diuretics. These medicines come in different trade names. Different brands have given them different names that are written on medicine boxes. The side effects of diuretics include too little potassium in the blood, dizziness, low level of sodium, headache, thirst, and increased blood sugar. You should avoid this medicine because of its side effects.


The mechanism of action of beta-blockers includes their role in blocking the actions of chemicals involved in stimulating your heart. This medicine makes your heartbeat with lesser speed and force. It will make your heart pump a lesser amount of blood to your vessels. It will ultimately reduce blood pressure. Examples of beta-blockers include acebutolol (Sectral), atenolol (Tenormin), and many others. The side effects of these drugs include dizziness, tiredness, lightheadedness, cold fingers or toes, and feeling sick. Difficulties in sleeping and nightmares are also its side effects. You shouldn’t consume these medicines to avoid these side effects.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor 

ACE inhibitors work by inhibiting the production of a hormone called angiotensin II. This hormone causes the blood vessels to become narrow. These medications help to lower blood pressure by expanding the blood vessels. With the expansion of blood vessels, blood pressure is reduced. Their benefits and risks are written on their custom Medicine boxes. Examples of ACE inhibitors include benazepril (Lotensin), Captopril (Capoten), and many others. The effects of ACE inhibitors include dry cough, increased level of potassium in the blood, loss of taste, dizziness, and various others. These secondary effects can lead to serious consequences. You should avoid the use of these drugs to avoid their side effects.

Calcium channel blocker 

When the body moves, all kinds of muscles require calcium to move in and out of the muscles. Calcium channel blockers work by hindering calcium from entering the smooth muscles of the heart and blood vessels. This will ultimately make the heartbeat with lesser speed and force. Blood vessels relax, which helps to reduce blood pressure. Examples of calcium channel blockers include amlodipine (Norvasc, Lotrel), felodipine (Plendil), and many others. These medicines are packaged inside cardboard boxes. The adverse effects of calcium channel blockers include dizziness, fast heartbeat, constipation, fatigue, nausea, flushing, and many others. You should avoid the use of these blockers to keep these side effects away from you.

Alpha-beta blocker 

Alpha-beta blockers may have a combined effect. Their mechanism of action includes the blockage of the binding of catecholamine hormones with the alpha and beta receptors. They can help to lower the construction of the blood vessels. They also lower the speed of the heartbeat. Examples of alpha-beta blockers are carvedilol (Coreg) and labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate). These drugs come inside custom packaging. There are many side effects of these drugs. When you have to keep yourself safe from these side effects, you should avoid these medicines.

We have described certain medicines that are used for treating high blood pressure. We have concluded that there are side effects of all the medicines. You should use the medicine only when it is needed. Excessive use of these medicines may lead to serious consequences. Medicine packaging can help you know about their side effects.