What Should you Know About Buying a Wakizashi?

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The Katana is not the only famous sword from Japan; the Wakizashi is also a Japanese blade. The Wakizashi is yet another type of sword typically connected with Japanese history. It is shaped like a katana and has a curved blade with a single cutting edge, just like the Katana. On the other hand, the Wakizashi is a special sword distinguished from the Katana in several significant ways. Continue reading to learn more about the Wakizashi and how it came to be one of the most common weapons carried by samurai soldiers during the feudal period in Japan.

Some Interesting Facts About Samurai Wakizashi

During the era of feudal Japan, the standard Japanese short sword carried by the samurai class was called a Wakizashi. When coupled with a samurai sword, it was deemed to have the status of Daisho (which literally translates to “big-little”). In Japan’s history, warriors initially utilized it during the Edo period.

The Wakizashi was renowned for its effectiveness in combat at close range. Warriors sheathed their samurai swords at the entrance of households with attendants and withdrew them. On the other hand, samurai were required to carry their Wakizashi sword at all times. The most important information on this sword is listed below.

How were they made?

The creation of swords in Japan is a highly developed skill that is highly revered and is part of a ritualized process that requires many years of training. To make a sword, the blacksmith heated steel blocks before hammering, folding, cutting, forging, and re-forging the material. This process helped drive out impurities and produce a blade that was finely layered and tough without being brittle. Using a softer iron at the end of the process increased the blade’s resilience. In contrast, the final tempering of the blade, in which the edge was subjected to the highest heat and cooled at the highest rate, produced an unusually hard cutting edge. Following the completion of the blade by the sword smith, it was given its sparkling finish by a grinder and a polisher, which revealed the one-of-a-kind structure of the blade’s razor-sharp edge.

The Different Types of Wakizashi

There are mainly three types of Wakizashi. These include:

 Hira Zukuri – This is the most common type of Wakizashi with a simple rounded shape.

Katana Zukuri – This type of Wakizashi is narrower and more curved, similar to a katana blade.

Tachi Zukuri – The longest type of Wakizashi was originally used as a hand weapon by the samurai.

When looking for a Wakizashi, it is critical to consider your individual preferences and requirements. Do you want a sword that is simple to use and fast to draw when you need it? Or do you wish to find something a little more elaborate and classic? When looking for a Wakizashi, it is critical to consider your individual preferences and requirements.

The Bottom Line

Even though it’s commonly held that the samurai’s spirit resides in their main sword, the Wakizashi held a very important role in their culture. It was the blade that a Samurai always carried; while sleeping, the aristocratic warriors kept it tucked under their pillows as a protective measure. The Wakizashi was used on the battlefield and in times of peace to carry out the routine tasks of Samurais in feudal Japan. These duties included amputating a criminal, training, and other activities that did not require a weapon as high as the Katana.