The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies That Need An Emergency Plumber

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If you have a plumbing emergency, you don’t have time to pick up the phone and start calling random plumbers in your area. Whether it’s a burst pipe or a running toilet, you need plumbing repair services immediately to help you resolve your plumbing issues. To help you narrow down your choices when you need an Emergency Plumbing Melbourne, consider the common issues that homeowners face from time to time. It might be something that has happened to you or something that could happen in the future, but these are some of the most common things people call a plumber about when they need help fast.

Burst Pipes

While pipes bursting are one of those emergencies that seems like it only happens to others, it’s something that can happen to you if you’re not careful. The first step in preventing a pipe from bursting is making sure your home has working water pressure regulators installed on each faucet, which prevent excess water pressure. This helps your pipes handle sudden increases in water usage without bursting under too much stress. You can also look for signs to know when a pipe might be at risk of bursting. If you see any red flags—especially an unexplained pooling or spraying of water—it’s time to call an emergency plumber.

Frozen Pipes

This happens when a home has been closed up for an extended period of time during winter, and then someone turns on a water source such as a sink, tub or toilet. Frozen pipes can burst and flood rooms with as much as two feet of water in just 30 minutes. To prevent frozen pipes: Have your furnace checked to ensure it’s working properly before cold weather sets in; unbury outside faucets and drain hoses; open cabinet doors to let warm air circulate around fixtures, and turn off and drain outdoor hoses, so they don’t freeze. If you discover frozen pipes: Never try to thaw them out with a blow dryer—it could create cracks that will worsen the damage, not fix it.

emergency plumbing melbourne
Image Source: Pexels

Leaking Plumbing Fixtures

A leaky faucet or toilet can add up to hundreds of gallons of water wasted each year. Many leaks are easy and inexpensive to fix, such as a loose spigot washer. For others, like a leaking toilet flapper, you might need help from an Emergency Plumbing Melbourne. Check your fixtures for signs of leaks and look into purchasing some new washers that you can switch out if there is a problem (be sure to shut off any water valves before making repairs).

Blocked Toilet Drains

Drains become blocked with a variety of objects, from makeup to food. If your drains smell, you can often unblock them yourself by pouring down 1 cup of baking soda followed by 1 cup of vinegar. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then run hot water through. Many people say they work wonders! Another trick is to pour 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup baking soda, and then just enough boiling water to create a sort of paste that can be left on for 10 minutes before flushing. We’ve also found that plunging large kitchen knives into clogged pipes works pretty well too! 

Gas Leaks

There are so many appliances and gadgets we use every day that run on gas, and there’s a good chance you have some in your home right now. However, how can you tell if your pipes or appliances have developed issues? The first thing to look for is an odour. If you smell natural gas—similar to rotten eggs—leave your house immediately and call an Emergency Plumbing Melbourne. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with all of your gas appliances’ knobs and dials (and not just those on your stove). Take note of how they work; make sure they operate smoothly; know whether they turn off or stay on once they’ve been set.