Letter grades should be abolished In Schools and Colleges

Letter grades should be abolished In Schools and Colleges
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Letter grades should be abolished and Grading academic performance through letters is a common practice in most educational institutes. Whenever you think of your academic career at any point in your life, grade letters start flowing into your mind.

I do not think that grading through letters is a great idea to evaluate the performance of students. The main motto should be to learn, not to make good grades. Letter grades start a competition among candidates, and it results in so many disappointments and non-deserving selections.

Overcome discouragement

Letter grades should be abolished In Schools and Colleges. The majority of students are those who study when alarming dates of exams arrive. In such a low time period, it is not possible to learn that much, which helps you to achieve good grades. The results are based on letter grades criteria that promote discrimination among students. Those having good grades think of themselves as achievers, but on the other hand, those who have clearer concepts but due to certain reasons they are unable to achieve good grades feel down. Letter grades should be abolished:

Divert concentration

Grades resist students from concentrating on the learning content. It becomes the criteria of their understanding of taught matter. No one wants to show they are not interested in any field so that they do not get good marks in the relevant subject. Even then, they achieve better in the subjects of interest. When you are focused on getting good grades, then you can not concentrate on the content and learning procedure as a person can concentrate on one thing at a time. It has been proved through research that students feel more relaxed where there is no system of grading, and with a relaxed mind, they can learn more. Letter grades should be abolished In Schools and Colleges

Future opportunities

Abolishing letter grades bring great opportunities for students. They can earn the best opportunity on the basis of their skills, talent, understanding, and capacity instead of their grades. Nowadays, it is very common in our surroundings that candidates with A are considered more special, but this is not always right. There are so many people who do not have good letter grades, but they are more capable as their understanding level and skills are much better than theirs. So many students pursue top assignment help with the help of their writing skills, whether they have passed their degree with good grades. Grades are not the only thing to notice while evaluating a student. You may judge him through marks or through only remarks. That will allow you to decide more accurately and precisely if the candidate is deserving or not.

More convenient

Education without grading will be more convenient and accessible. Many students runoff from getting an education just because of the fear of bad grades. There are numbers of students who once got an F grade and then their interest dies steadily from the study. Everyone should understand that grades do not tell what a student has learned and how much capacity he has. Judgment on the basis of letter grades should not be acceptable.

Promote cheating

To avoid F grades, students find shortcuts to achieve good marks. This promotes the culture of cheating as through cheating; they get grades as a result of which they are appreciated in the class, and their value is increased in front of their parents and teachers. This is a very alarming situation if the ratio of students passing through cheating increases. Pupils failed to differentiate between passing an exam by cheating or learning from content, not for the grades. Learning should be for the knowledge and to make yourself better.

Enhance Failure

The culture of letter grading is enhancing the rate of failures. Students who are disheartened by their bad grades try to seek another activity. They started to get away from education as a result of which, students got Fs in their exams. Students think of quitting their schools rather than continuing just to avoid failure, and they are afraid to face bad results. The education system should ban letter grading because of its adverse effects.


Most often, students are disgraced if they fail to achieve good grades. This factor brings inconsistency in their behavior. Academically consistency matters a lot as this is one of the basic paths toward success. Students feel dishonored when their grades are announced in class. They become moody and just learn if they want. They do not study to learn because they are unable to find interest in that.


The world is living in so many misconceptions that good letter grades are necessary for any achievements. This does not seem right. The most important thing is ability and capacity. If one has the capacity to do something, he will surely achieve it. Struggling silently and making noise about your achievement is the concept that most people believe. If you are able to concentrate on your goal and work hard, then no one can stop you from chasing and earning your dreams. Society should understand that by judging our generations with the balance of A, we are devasting them and making them fall into a deep well of darkness where they will forget to live for themselves.

More knowledgeable

The analysis without letter grading can be more helpful for spreading knowledge. Letter grading draws a line between fear and expectations among people. They are often afraid of crossing that line because of our society’s behavior. Analyzing without grades is more knowledgeable as students will get knowledge and learn limitless without having any fear of evaluation.  

History creators

The most prominent postulate proving that letter grades should be abolished is that most history creators, who have served the whole world regardless of any race and nation, were college or university dropouts and never good grades achievers. Newton, Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerburg are the big personalities who earned their name through their skills and abilities, not by letter grades. One who is more focused on his aim can achieve and fulfill his dreams. The points mentioned above are proof that letter grading should be eliminated to make society better. This change can bring a revolution that will change our world so positively. Letter grades can be replaced with criteria of a pass or fail only.