Importance of Ratings and Reviews for Institutions in this Digital Era!

analytixlabs students rating
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Rapid digitalization and ease of access has helped in developing a flourishing online environment in India. Businesses from every industrial sector have an online presence and the digital market has been soaring over the last decade.

For professionals looking to upskill or individuals seeking a lucrative career, there is no shortage of institutions offering online training or certification courses. Especially when it comes to booming fields like that of Data science or data analytics, there exists a number of institutions in India who offer attractive courses. However, with a variety of choices comes a lot of confusion, doubts and dilemma. How does one decide on which institute to enroll , specifically when it is not a matter of purchase of goods but the very important matter of career!

This is where online ratings and reviews come into play!

The reputation of an institution today largely depends on the institution’s score  or online ratings. There exists multiple online platforms where educational institutions are reviewed and rated by current and former students. Basis on that score an institutions is not only more ‘visible’ but also ranked by various organizations. Education seekers are always advised to go through such reviews and ratings and also look at how an institution is ranked. For instance a search on analytixlabs students rating will bring out the pros and cons of the premier institution.

Authenticity is very important!

Awareness is required when anyone is deciding to enroll in a course on the basis of reviews. One of disadvantages of online reviews is that it can be easily manipulated. There are organizations in the education sector who resort to unscrupulous practices like posting fake reviews or going as far as providing paid reviews. However, such reviews can easily be noticed as there is always a pattern. 

Here are a few tricks on how to notice fake reviews:

  • Review posters might not have a normal name, some are posted as anonymous while some will carry hideous names.
  • More often the language is the same with a few alterations but if closely noticed one can easily understand the reviews are written by the same person carrying different names.
  • Scripted reviews can be easily caught as often the same script is used across multiple platforms.
  • In fake reviews detail will always be missing and it will mostly contain a few words only.

Criticism or negative reviews

The quality of an institution can very well be understood on the basis of their reaction to criticism on online portals. A reputed institution will always respond to criticism in a constructive way and utilize it to improve rather than disproving it. 

Quantity matters too!

While seeing the rating of an institution one should always check on how many reviews the rating is based on. A reputed institution like analytxlab will always have innumerous reviews upon which the institution is rated highest among the others. 

Hence, it is very important for an individual to assess the reviews of an institution before enrolling and it is also important for institutions to raise the bar high enough to maintain a strong rating as nothing is hidden in this online age!