Answer: I have 6 eggs riddle explained – the puzzle breaking the internet!

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In this Covid period puzzle games become the most preferred game, everyone can play puzzle games easily old people or young people, and we all love to spend our free time on the gaming platform. And as you know riddles become popular day by day, even in an isolation period, people love to play puzzle games which pass their time easily and quickly. Read the article I have 6 eggs I broke 2 answers.

And, You know what that from a long time puzzle game is come on top in all over world games, but many people want a solution that how to break internet puzzle games. So in this article, we will explain to you about “I have 6 eggs riddle”, slide down to know-

It is not such simple as you think….

Explanation- I have 6 eggs riddle break down-

The question for this “I have 6 eggs riddle break down” so this riddle seemingly very easy and simple, which should raise alarms bells from the starting point, the riddle reads:

I have 6 eggs. I broke 2; I cooked 2 and ate 2. How many eggs do I have?

Are you looking for an answer, but the answer will coming to scroll down with this article, don’t worry we did not take too much time, and we don’t want to slap you in the face with any sudden spoilers, just want to tell you with a lot of excitement and fun.

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I have 6 eggs answer is-

As you all are looking for “I have 6 eggs answer” according to our research we found an answer but there is no official answer given on the internet, but the most popular answer is six.

The explanation for “I have 6 eggs riddle answer”

The answer is SIX, due to the usage of the past and present tense in the riddle-

  1. The riddle states which have 6 eggs, and that riddle states using in a present clause 
  2. After that, the riddle directly goes on the state in which you broke, cooked, and ate several eggs, now this is a use of the past clause.
  3. These words Broke, Cooked, Ate, all words come in the past clause, it means, these eggs are separate from the six that you already have.
  4. In simple words, if you have six eggs, then previously, you did something with other eggs. So it means, so you still have six eggs in your hand.

The extra explanation for “I have six eggs riddle”

  1. No matter, how many eggs broke, cooked, or ate, as they already used in the past, the riddle could have said that someone broke 100 eggs, cooked 1, and ate 1, so the answer is still the same which is Six.
  2. In case, the riddle read- I had 6 eggs, I broke 2, I cooked 2, and ate 2, now how many eggs do I have? In that case, the answer can be different.

According to our research, the most common answer found is 0 and 4, people start arguing on this, some said 0 and some said it is 4. 

The answer 0 is attainted by assuming that you lose 2 eggs because you break them, you lose 2 more eggs, because you cooked them, and in the final, you ate 2 eggs, which is an incorrect answer.

But the smarter thing is, that 2 eggs are broken, the same eggs cooked, and the same eggs ate, that is why few people said the answer is 4, but it’s an incorrect answer.

After the entire above article, you can easily understand the correct answer is SIX, it’s totally distracting you from the grammar with the logic of how eggs are used, broken, cooked, and eaten.

If you are thinking that the answer is 0 or 4 then it’s an incorrect answer, because the correct answer is 6: I had 6 eggs, I broke 2 eggs, I cooked 2 eggs, and ate 2 eggs, which is a different riddle altogether.