How an Everpure H300 Filter System Can Keep Drinking Water Costs Down

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Clean, healthy drinking water is a concern for people all over the world, even for those of us here at home. From concerns regarding lead and other heavy metals in drinking water to concerns about biological contaminants, access to clean drinking water is a real concern.

Yet there is another concern regarding drinking water that, though much more mundane, is a considerable one nonetheless. It has to do with the high cost of bottled water. At the point of purchase, the low cost of bottled water might seem like a nonissue. It’s only a few dollars at most for a few liters of bottled water, even from brands that are considered expensive. However, when you look at the long-term costs, they really start to add up.

Now, if you’re going to perform any hard calculations, you need to actually take a step back and gather information about your own costs of living. For the purposes of this argument, however, we can take a look at some averages.

According to the United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the average male adult requires at least 3.7 liters while the average female adult requires 2.7 liters. This is naturally going to vary, but let’s take an arbitrary average at 3 liters per day per adult.

At the time of this publication, a 24 pack of 16.9-ounce bottles of water can be purchased for anywhere between 3 to 5 dollars. We’ll call it 4 dollars for the sake of argument. That 24 pack of water bottles contain, in total, just about 12 liters, sparing a few milliliters for the sake of the calculation. This gives a cost-per-liter of about 33 cents.

While this is no financial metric, with contents of 4 liters in total, that same 24 pack will keep the average adult hydrated for just about 3 days – but this is a very, very rough average estimate. This is important to note.

There are two ways to analyze this – by the cost per liter or by the expense incurred every four days, but either way, those figures will add up quickly. Regardless of how you frame it, these average metrics indicate a cost per adult of about 9 dollars and 24 cents per week, or just about 480 dollars per year, per person. Add in some other adults and the figures will compound quickly.

That being said, in many areas, municipal water costs less than a penny per gallon – or less than a quarter of a penny per liter, in keeping constant with our figures. This is far, far beneath the cost of bottled water, to the point that comparing a calculation would become almost pointless.

Given the fact that many homeowners are concerned with the quality of their drinking water, they front the high costs of bottled water for the assurance of water quality. If only they knew how affordable it would be to install and maintain a solution like an Everpure H300 filter system, it would quickly become a nonissue.

A single Everpure H300 filter is capable of removing lead, oxidized iron and manganese, asbestos fibers, a variety of biological contaminants, and much more from up to 300 gallons of drinking water. At a unit cost of 65 dollars from, that comes out to 5.8 cents per liter – significantly cheaper than the price of bottled water, almost regardless of how else you approach the matter.

An Everpure drinking water system such as one that takes Everpure H300 filter replacement cartridges is just one of the many cost-effective solutions available at efilters. To learn more about the specifics of Everpure H-300 water filters, bundled savings or about the other solutions they provide, please contact efilters at or visit them online at