Childcare checklist for daycare centers

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Quality First’ must be the prime mantra for childcare centers seeking to increase enrolments. To run a childcare center in the perfect way requires a careful consideration of many things that are suggested by experts. While what need to be focused varies from business to business, daycare centers must focus on this checklist to see if everything is well with your center in a way providing the best ambience for the kids to grow up and the parents to feel safe, secure and confident in your center’s potentials in caring for their kids. Also, investing in a good childcare booking system can help increase enrolments.

Basics to focus on

In the first place, make sure that your child care center is properly licensed. Safe and reliable transportation is a very important aspect you must focus on. The drivers must not only be licensed, but also be insured. The check-in and check-out procedures must be clear.

Health and nutrition

The childcare program must have all the records necessary to prove that the children enrolled till date are up-to-date on the immunization requirements. The staff and students need to be educated well on hand washing after using the bathrooms and before eating. The foods served in the center must meet the best nutritional standards. You must have the necessary procedures to handle the issues of dietary restrictions and food allergies if anything must crop up unfortunately.

It is good to have dedicated areas for the mothers to breastfeed their children. Storing of breast milk must be done appropriately. The caregivers must be educated on removing the used diapers in the right way without dirtying the surfaces. Sanitizing the surface frequently, turning on and off the taps with paper towels and proper hand washing must all be part of the regular processes.

Children management

Focus on aspects like the number of children and the number of caretakers in the center and ensuring the ideal ratio of these numbers. Check if your center follows the established state licensing standards for the group size and ratio. The children must be supervised at all times both indoors and outdoors particularly while they are sleeping. The children must never be left alone without caretakers. The caretakers must all have undergone background checks to ascertain their suitability to handle the kids. The caretakers must also be trained well to recognize, prevent and also report any instances of child abuse.

Safety and emergency questions

The next very important aspect is safety and security of the center and the emergency protocols implemented. The cleanliness of the indoor and outdoor of the center, the safe storing of cleaning materials, the safety of the toys used, and keeping any hazardous materials away from the children’s reach must all be taken care properly. The emergency drills must be practiced in regular intervals in the events of natural disasters and active shooting incidents. The information on who must be contacted during the different kinds of emergencies must be up-to-date and relevantly displayed in prominent places at the center.