6 Key Factors To Consider When Buying Storage Water Geysers

15 ltr geyser
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Few of us would relish the change from a comfortable bed to a cold shower on a freezing winter morning. The concept alone sends goose bumps up and down our spines. Even when splashing water on our faces or washing our hands, we prefer warm water to the chilly faucet water. Even in pleasant weather, one prefers the choice of a warm shower. Every residence should have a water geyser, as they are most common home appliances.

A storage water geyser utilizes a storage tank to increase heating efficiency and provide a rapid supply of hot water. This is accomplished by converting energy to heat and the subsequent transmission of that heat to water. It is connected to a water supply pipe on the inlet side and has an outgoing water pipe that distributes hot water to faucets and appliances on the outgoing side. The storage water geysers are now available online, so you can order them at the convenience of your home.

Whether you’re building a new house, remodeling, or simply replacing older, worn-out equipment, there are several aspects to consider when purchasing a storage water geyser online. 

Listed below are 6 key factors which you should consider when buying storage water geyser online

  • Capacity of a Water Geyser

Before scouring the market, you should determine the water geyser’s capacity required to meet your hot water needs. The type of family you have, whether nuclear or extended, is critical since it directly relates to the amount of hot water you will require daily. While a small capacity geyser will suffice for your kitchen’s hot water demands, you’ll need a higher-capacity water geyser in the bathroom.

Assume a family of four individuals each uses a 15-litre of water for bathing. Typically, people combine hot and cold water to achieve the ideal water temperature for a comfortable bath. If each family member uses approximately half a bucket of hot water for the bath, a water geyser with a 25-litre tank capacity will suffice, providing that they are bathing one after the other. For larger capacity water geysers, the Best 15 Ltr geyser is a highly energy-efficient as well as cost-effective option.

When selecting a water geyser, one should also consider the local climate. If you reside in a location that sees extremely cold winters, it is prudent to invest in a large capacity electric geyser to provide an adequate hot water supply.

  • Tank and Heating Element Quality

If you reside in an area with hard water, you may want to pay special attention to the material of the tank and heating element. Both come into direct touch with water, and hard water with high calcium and magnesium content can induce scale build-up. This results in decreased efficiency, corrosion, and shorter geyser life. Corrosion-resistant water geysers are an excellent choice for a dependable, efficient, and long-lasting home appliance.

  • Characteristics of Safety

While water geysers are generally safe to use, it is important to be aware of the risks and safety features built into a storage water geyser. Conduct a visual inspection of the safety valve, which opens to release pressure if the pressure or temperature rises excessively. This prevents the water geyser from exploding in the event of a malfunction.

  • Consumption of Energy

Installing a water geyser should not dramatically increase your energy expenditures. A variety of factors determines water geysers’ electricity consumption. Firstly, the volume of water consumed. The more hot water that is used, the more energy is consumed. Another factor to consider is the temperature of the water entering the system. Colder climates require more heating than those in warmer climates. Another factor to consider before purchasing a geyser online is the user’s temperature choice. The thermostat temperature on most water geysers is typically set to around 60° C. A certain geysers include an external control for adjusting this setting. Another consideration is standing Loss. Standing Loss is the heat lost through the water geyser’s surface due to already heated water’s inactivity.

  • Area of Installation

The amount of wall or floor space required is significant and should be considered when purchasing this equipment. You’ll need a designated location with easy access to the input and outlet faucets, as well as easy maintenance and repair.

Water Geyser installation in a High Rise Building

Consider rated pressures greater than 6 bars for high-rise buildings when buying a storage water geyser online. The water geyser must feature a pressure control valve that discharges excessively pressurized water to avoid tank damage. In addition, check the guarantee period on the inner tank; a greater number indicates the use of high-quality materials and strength.