5 Different Forms of Street Furniture Advertising

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One of the most cost effective ways that brands can advertise in cities is through the use of street furniture. Street furniture is any street fixture that functions as a way to organize the flow of traffic, offer somewhere to sit while people wait for transit, or serve some other function for residents and tourists alike. There are many different kinds of street furniture, and each have different benefits and drawbacks for placing your advertisements on them. In general, however, all are great and valuable ways to advertise your company, whether it’s a clothing company, restaurant or tech service. In this article, we’ll go over five different types of street furniture and what form advertisements generally take on each. So, if you’re curious about the different kinds of street furniture advertising, then keep reading to learn a little more!


The first kind of street furniture advertising we’ll talk about is newsrack advertising. Newsracks are self service machines where people can pay for local publications and newsrack advertising is a great way to target people with ads that will be seen again and again by people going to work and school. It’s true that newsracks and magazine stands aren’t as popular as they used to be, but these stands still exist in busy city areas like New York or Los Angeles. Newsrack advertising generally offers a smaller surface area than a street poster, so it’s a great way to send a succinct and quick message to your target audience. Next, let’s talk about another great option for street furniture advertising. 

Bike Share 

Recently, bike and scooter rentals have boomed in popularity as a quick and easy way to get around the city without using a vehicle. These bikes and scooters are fantastic opportunities for brands. With bike share advertising, you can wrap a fleet of bikes in your brand’s message allowing you to reach a wide range of customers, both riders and passers by alike. A lot of bike share companies will have bike share stations where you dock the bike, and these are also a great place to advertise. These stations typically have kiosks with displays that are great for placing targeted ads for your brand as well as having branded bikes for customers to use. This is a great option because your brand’s name will be mobile as well as stationary in a circular sharing system. 

Bus Stops 

Bus stop advertising is a classic staple in street furniture advertising. These are great places to put advertisements at eye level for people walking by, waiting for the bus or driving by on their way to work. These are especially effective for targeted ads at commuters, who will likely make up the majority of people using public transportation nationwide. Usually, you can create a nationwide campaign with your ad being placed at bus shelters and stations across the country, meaning that you’ll hit both locally and nationally with your campaign. 

Urban Panels 

Urban panel advertising is a great way to reach local commuters in cities with developed metro systems. An example of an urban panel in New York are the street level panels you’ll see outside of a subway station. Cities like New York, Los Angeles and Boston are just a few examples of cities with ample urban panels and transit systems. You’ll also find urban panels on the back of newsstands, but traditionally they are located at subway entrances. These are a great way to reach a large number of locals on a daily basis. They are most effective in bright colors that will pop out from the street and grab the attention of people walking by or entering the station. 


Kiosks are yet another unique way to build brand awareness in populous and busy city areas. Kiosks typically help give directions to people visiting the area and usually have a map on one side, leaving other sides of the kiosk available for advertising and branding. These are a great option for local businesses looking to attract business from tourists traveling through the area and looking for places to eat, shop and hang out. Kiosks are a great way to attract locals into your business as well! 

Street furniture advertising is a fantastic way to build awareness of your brand. Bus stop advertising is particularly useful and allows you to build local and national campaigns at bus stops around the country. Bike shares are a great way to advertise mobily, as well as creating stationary ads to live at the bike docking stations. Anything that grabs city dwellers attention from a street level is going to help attract the attention of both locals and tourists alike. The best thing about street furniture advertising is that it’s also fairly inexpensive depending on your campaign. So have fun exploring all the options available for this unique kind of advertising!